HC Deb 07 June 1888 vol 326 c1347

SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—Forest of Dean Turnpike Trust [No. 209].

PRIVATE BILLS (by Order)—Second Reading—Ballina and Killala Railway and Harbour.

Considered as amended—Tottenham Local Board (Division of District).*

PUBLIC BILLS—Second Reading—North Sea Fisheries* [278]; Official Secrets [256], debate adjourned; National Debt (Supplemental) [264].

Report of Standing Committee on Law, and Courts of Justice, and Legal Procedure—Mortmain and Charitable Uses [No. 207]; Bail (Scotland [No. 208].

Committee—Local Government (England and Wales) [182] [First Night]—R.P.

Third ReadingHabitual Drunkards Act (1879) Amendment (No. 2)* [203], and passed.

PROVISIONAL ORDER BILLS—Report—Local Government (No. 3)* [249]; Local Government (No. 4)* [250]; Local Government (Poor Law) (No. 6)* [251]; Local Government (Gas)* [252]; Local Government (Ireland) (Bangor and Warrenpoint)* [225].

Considered as amended—Tramways (No. 1)* [222].