HC Deb 23 July 1888 vol 329 c194
MR. LAWSON (St. Pancras, W.)

asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether it is possible so to modify the Regulations of the Civil Service Commission as to examining for appointment to assistant clerkships of Works as to admit skilled artizans to the competition who may show adequate knowledge of the practical requirements of the post; and why such conditions are enforced as specially to exclude them on account of their status?


(who replied) said: Appointments to clerkships of the works (there are no assistant clerkships under my Office) are open to all skilled artizans, as well as to others who may succeed in the open competitive examinations held by the Civil Service Commissioners. But skill as an artizan in any one branch of labour would not be a sufficient qualification; and we require as a condition from all candidates that they should have had five years' practical experience in the general superintendence of building works.