HC Deb 14 December 1888 vol 332 c234
MR. COURTNEY KENNY (York, W.R., Barnsley)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If his attention has been called to the inquest held at Tooting on the 4th of October upon an infant named Isaac Arnold, and to the recommendation of the Coroner and jury that the Infant Life Protection Act should be extended in the manner suggested by the Metropolitan Board of Works in their Report of 1881, and in several other years; and, whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce any legislation next Session to amend the Act, so as to render it more effective in the suppression of the practice of baby-farming?

THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. STUART-WORTLEY)(who replied) said (Shef- 235 field, Hallam)

Yes, Sir; the attention of the Secretary of State has been called to this matter. He has now under consideration proposals for remedying the existing law, so strikingly exemplified by the fact brought to light at the inquest referred to; and he has invited the Local Authorities of certain large towns of England and Scotland and of Ireland to favour him with any observations and suggestions which their experience of the operation of the Act may be able to afford, and which may assist in framing a measure on the subject.