HC Deb 13 December 1888 vol 332 c99
MR. PAULTON (Durham, Bishops Auckland)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention had been drawn to a report in The Daily News of the alleged scandalous conduct on the part of Berry, the hangman, at Kidderminster on the 11th instant; whether there was reason to believe that the report was true; and, if so, whether the right hon. Gentleman would consider the advisability of submitting a proposal to Parliament for taking other measures for bringing the office of hangman under the direct control and supervision of the Home Office, in order to prevent a recurrence of such outrages on public decency?


I have seen the report in question; but I have no official information enabling me to say whether it is correct. I have called the attention of the High Sheriff to the question. His action will probably be sufficient to prevent the executioner from turning his painful office into an object of public curiosity. There are many objections to placing the executioner under the direct control of the Home Office.

MR. CHILDERS (Edinburgh, S.)

asked, whether the right hon. Gentleman would have the Report of a small Committee which considered that subject laid on the Table?


If the right hon. Gentleman means what was known as "The Hanging Committee," that Report has already been printed and laid before the House; and instructions have been sent to all the Governors of gaols directing that the executioner should reside within the gaol previous to the execution taking place.