HC Deb 11 August 1888 vol 330 c389
MR. CONWAY (Leitrim, N.)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the conviction by the Luton Divisional Bench of Mr. William Thomas Friday, head master of the Sundon Board School, Bedfordshire, of assault by the administration of corporal punishment to Frederick Stokes, a pupil in the school, as reported in The Luton Reporter, Beds and Herts News of July 28, 1888, and the refusal of the Bench to inflict such a sentence as would give the defendant a right of appeal; and, whether he would recommend a re-hearing of the case?


(who replied) said: As this Question appears for the first time this morning, the Secretary of State has had no time to inquire into this case; but it is plain that he has no power to interfere. He cannot increase the punishment, neither have the Justices power to re-hear the case. In requesting me to give this answer on his behalf, my right hon. Friend must not be understood to express any opinion on the merits of the case.