HC Deb 10 August 1888 vol 330 c309
MR. ANDERSON(for Dr. R. M'DONALD) (Ross and Cromarty)

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether his attention has been called to the case of three young men from Branish, in the Island of Lewis, named respectively Donald Macritchie, aged 19, Donald Mackinnon, aged 17, and Malcolm Buchanan, aged 20, who, having enlisted in Stornoway while under the influence of drink on July 3, were arrested as deserters on July 18, and compelled by the local police to walk to Stornoway, without food or refreshment of any sort, for a distance of 44 miles, and have been in prison ever since; why was the bail that has been offered for their liberation not accepted; if he can explain why Mackinnon, who is under age, has been imprisoned as a deserter, when he ought not to have been enlisted without some proof of his being the full age; and, whether, if a certified copy of his birth register is produced, he will be set at liberty?

THE SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. E. STANHOPE) (Lincolnshire, Horncastle)

, in reply, said, his attention was first drawn to the matter by the hon. Member's Question, and a full Report had been called for.