HC Deb 05 September 1887 vol 320 c1129
DR. FOX (King's Co., Tullamore)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether his attention has been called to the fires, evidently incendiary, which have occurred near Rhode, King's County; whether it is a fact that a magistrate named Kerr refused to lend any assistance to put out the fire; whether the three local magistrates refused to attend a public meeting at Rhode, called to protest against the perpetration of these outrages and to offer a reward for the apprehension of the perpetrators; and, whether such a meeting of the priests and people of Rhode was held, under the presidency of the Rev. Mr. O'Brien, and the sum of £20 subscribed on the spot towards such a reward?


(who replied) said: The attention of the Executive has been called to the fires which have recently occurred in King's County, and the police are actively engaged in making inquiries in the matter. I am informed that it is not the case that Mr. Kerr, J.P., refused to lend assistance to put out a fire. The magistrates were asked to attend a meeting last Sunday week under the auspices of the Irish National League; but this they declined to do. The meeting was held. The Rev. Mr. O'Brien was the only priest present. I understand that subscriptions to the extent of about £20 were promised at the meeting, but that no money was actually subscribed.