HC Deb 23 May 1887 vol 315 c858
MR. P. O'BRIEN (Monaghan. N.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether he has any objection to state from whom he received the information relating to threatened evictions in Monaghan that the Guardians reported that there was ample accommodation for tenants in the workhouse independent of the portion occupied by the Militia; if this Report was furnished by the authority of the Board, when was the meeting held, and if supplied by individual Guardians, whether he will give their names, and state whether they were elected or ex-officio Guardians; whether it is true that the Master of the workhouse reported to the last meeting of the Board that the Militia had smashed the windows of one wing of the building, and that fever had broken out in one of the wings occupied by the Militia; and whether considering that a considerable time will be required to repair the damage done, and for disinfecting the building, before evicted tenants could be with safety received, he will refuse to place Forces of the Crown at the service of Miss Rose, Mr. Dacre Hamilton, and Colonel Forster, for the purpose of evicting those 60 families, until the Militia are disbanded, and the workhouse put in order to receive them?


(who replied) said, the information was received from the Clerk of the Union. The Master reported that a number of panes of glass had been broken in the windows of the wing occupied by the Militia. There had been no outbreak of fever among the Militia during the present training. The Government did not see any reason to interfere with the pending evictions, should it be unhappily necessary to carry them out.