HC Deb 10 May 1887 vol 314 c1453
MR. BEACH (Hants, Andover)

asked the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education, Whether an Inspector of Schools has a right to make a manager of a school go to every house in the parish (rich and poor), ask the number of persons in each house, and send a Report thereof to him; and whether (as the case is) the grant due to Newtown Schools, Hants, can be refused to be paid by Government until the order of the Inspector (with regard to the above) has been carried out?


No, Sir; an Inspector has no such right as that suggested. But an Inspector is bound to require the managers of a school who claim a special grant under Article 3 to establish that claim by reasonable evidence. In this case I am informed by the Inspector that the correspondent actually agreed to supply the "list of inhabited houses with the number of souls in each." But when the correspondent afterwards objected, the Inspector at once accepted the half-yearly statement of the Guardians, upon which he understood the Returns in previous years to have been based.