HC Deb 31 March 1887 vol 313 c55
MR. BRADLAUGH (Northampton)

asked the Postmaster General, Whether Second Division sorting clerk Mr. M'Dougall, in the Liverpool Post Office, has recently been promoted to the First Division, over the heads of 14 sorting clerks, all his seniors; and, whether such promotion was in direct violation of the Rules regulating promotion in the Post Office, and printed in the Official Instructions issued by him to Head Postmasters?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

It is the case, as put in the Question of the hon. Member, that Mr. M'Dougall has recently been promoted from the second to the first class of sorting clerks in the Liverpool Post Office, and that at the time of his promotion there were on the second class 14 senior clerks to himself. All of these 14 clerks, I am sorry to say, were reported to me as not qualified for the duties of the higher class.