HC Deb 21 March 1887 vol 312 c846
MR. J. F. X. O'BRIEN (Mayo, S.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If his attention has been called to a paragraph on page 8 of The Pall Mall Gazette of Wednesday, 16th March, headed Stormy Evictions in Mayo, or if he has other know-lodge of the facts referred to therein—namely, that the Resident Magistrate present at the eviction stated— If the people offered resistance the police. must shoot them down. … A bailiff, named Gallagher, abused by an old woman when he was removing her furniture, drew a revolver and threatened to shoot her. … A dying lad was carried from one of the cabins, and last night he received the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church; and, if he is aware that the rents, for inability to pay which those evictions were carried out, varied from 46 per cent above the valuation to twice, and even in one case four times, the valuation?


The statements referred to are either unfounded or misleading. The evictions were not stormy; there were only a few people present. No magistrate used any such words as are stated, nor did any bailiff act in the manner described. In one of the houses there was a sick child in its mother's arms; and the Sheriff's attention being drawn to it, he, out of consideration for this case, merely took formal possession, allowing the inmates of the House to re-enter it at once as caretakers, and disturbing none of the effects.

DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid)

Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the last paragraph in the Question, as to the rents varying from 46 per cent above the valuation to twice and oven, in one case, four times the valuation?


I know nothing about that.