HC Deb 08 March 1887 vol 311 c1572
DR. CLARK (Caithness)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Why Section 11 of the— Return of Charges made to Candidates at the late General Election in Great Britain and Ireland by Returning Officers has not been filled up in that portion of the Return regarding Scotland; and, if an amended Return will be published, giving the required information for Scotland?


(who replied) said, there were only three cases in Scotland arising out of the General Election of 1886 in which the Returning Officers' expenses were taxed—namely, Edinburgh, South Division, where the amount charged was reduced by nearly £4; Linlithgowshire by about £24; and Caithness-shire by £83 4s. 1d. No doubt, the Return ought to have shown in column 10 the amount charged, and in column 11 the amount ultimately paid. He understood column 10 of last year's Return showed the amount ultimately paid. It seemed that the practice followed in making that Return had been continued in respect of this Return, notwithstanding that the passing of the Returning Officers' (Scotland) Act, 1886, had intervened. In the case of a Return of this magnitude, he could not promise a re-issue; but he could have the corrected pages circulated, if the hon. Member pressed for it. He hoped he would not think it worth the expense. He had taken measures to ensure that the Returns should be properly filled up in future.