HC Deb 13 June 1887 vol 315 c1727
MR. MONTAGU (Tower Hamlets, Whitchapel)

asked the Postmaster General, Whether negotiations are now pending for the renewal of the monopoly of the Submarine Telegraph Company, which expires in 1889; and, whether, before any final decision is taken, the conditions will be stated, so that the various Chambers of Commerce may have an opportunity of considering them?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

In reply to the hon. Member, I have to state that I am in communication with the Telegraphic Administrations of some of the neighbouring Foreign States with regard to the arrangements which it will be necessary to make for the transmission of telegrams between this country and those States when the concessions now held by the Submarine Telegraph Company from France and Belgium expire in 1889. I do not think that I can promise to submit these arrangements to the Chambers of Commerce; but I shall be ready to consider any suggestion that they may desire to make.