HC Deb 29 July 1887 vol 318 c519
MR. BARTLEY (Islington, N.)

asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether his attention has been called to the drainage arrangements of the Hendon Local Sanitary Authority at Alperton, and to the offensive and dangerous effluvia which spreads from them for miles round, reaching as far as the northern part of Ealing; and, whether he will order an inquiry into the subject, with a view to stop this nuisance and danger to the health of a large portion of the North West of the Metropolis?

THE PRESIDENT (Mr. RITCHIE) (Tower Hamlets, St. George's)

The Local Government Board have not received any complaint as to the drainage at Hendon or Ealing. If any such complaint is made to the Board it will receive attention. I may add that the Board have to-day received a letter from the Sanitary Authority, in which they entirely deny that the works are not carried on in a satisfactory manner. I have asked an Inspector of the Board to report on the subject.