HC Deb 29 July 1887 vol 318 cc547-8
MR. LAFONE (Southwark, Bermondsey)

asked the Postmaster General, Whether, of the staff in the Central Telegraph Office, only 10 per cent are allowed off duty on Bank Holidays, and that, in consequence, only about half the staff have one holiday in the year, whilst the majority of Civil servants enjoy all the Bank Holidays; and, if he cannot see his way to arrange that each office shall have at least one holiday; or if this is not possible, then an equivalent in pay?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

In reply to the hon. Member, I have to say that the proportion of telegraphists released from duty on Bank Holidays is frequently even less than 10 per cent, and I regret that it does not appear to be possible to arrange otherwise. The question of giving an equivalent in pay to those officers who cannot be released has been more than once under consideration; but Her Majesty's Government has not up to the present time been able to authorize the payment. It must, I fear, be regarded as one of the conditions of the employment of a telegraphist that he is liable to be called upon to work on Bank Holidays.


asked, whether it was not a fact that the duties of telegraphists had largely increased since the introduction of the 6d. rate and no increase of pay granted?


said, the duties of the staff had largely increased; but so had the numbers.