HC Deb 14 July 1887 vol 317 c770
MR. LAWSON (St. Pancras, W.)

asked the Postmaster General, how-many telegraphists, male and female, were employed on Jubilee day, and for how many hours overtime; whether only 200 clerks, out of a staff of over 2,000, were released from duty; and, what proportion are so released on Bank Holidays?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

Although the hon. Member does not state to which office he refers, I presume that it is to the Central Telegraph Office in London, as in his former Question, which I answered on the 8th instant. On Jubilee day 1,540 telegraphists were on duty in that Office for various periods during the 24 hours. The number of hours' overtime performed was 1,381. Four hundred and forty-seven telegraphists had the full day's holiday; and 200, in addition, were absent on their ordinary annual holiday and on account of sick leave. On ordinary Bank Holidays it has generally been found possible to release about 250 telegraphists.