HC Deb 25 February 1887 vol 311 c580
MR. AETHUR 0'CONNOR (Donega], E.)

asked the Secretary to the Board of Trade, Whether it is a fact that advertising agents are being employed to collect advertisements for The Board of Trade Journal; what saving in the cost of its production is effected thereby; and, whether it is intended to develop this new line of Government enterprize?

THE SECRETARY (Baron HENRY DE WORMS) (Liverpool, East Toxteth)

Messrs. Judd and Company have contracted with Her Majesty's Stationery Office for the privilege of advertising in The Board of Trade Journal, and in that capacity receive advertisements. It is hoped that by this contract and the sales of the copies the cost of production will be defrayed. There is no intention of bringing out another journal.


Is this the sole privileged firm; and, if go, what are the terms?


said, he could not answer the Question without Notice.