HC Deb 19 August 1887 vol 319 c1107
MR. W. A. MACDONALD (Queen's County, Ossory)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether he will consider, during the Recess, the Resolutions passed by so many Boards of Guardians in Ireland, urging that the amounts paid to clerks of unions for registration purposes shall, in future, be paid out of the National Exchequer, instead of being contributed, as at present, out of local rates?

THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARY (Colonel KING-HARMAN)(who replied) (Kent, Isle of Thanet)

said, the proposal to make this charge an Imperial one could not be carried out without legislation. The matter was one which concerned the whole Kingdom rather than Ireland exclusively. It was a question for the Treasury, rather than for the Irish Executive, whether they would sanction the introduction of a Bill on the subject.