HC Deb 09 August 1887 vol 318 c1704
SIR WILFRID LAWSON(for Mr. SUMMERS) (Huddersfield)

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether a Petition to Her Majesty the Queen, from members of the Church of England in Natal, relating to the appointment of a Bishop, has reached his hands; and, whether it has been as yet presented; and, if so, what reply has been made thereto?


A Petition has been received and presented. A communication was made in the ordinary manner to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the result of that was fully stated to the House in my answer of the 20th of June; and the Petitioners have been informed, through the Governor, that His Grace has signified that he does not propose to apply for a mandate for the consecration of Sir G. W. Cox.