HC Deb 08 August 1887 vol 318 c1523

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, If it is true that Executive Officers of the Royal Navy, not of the Engineer Class, are employed in some eases as Instructors of Engineer Officers or students in the construction and working of the gun machinery of Her Majesty's ships; if he will state why this course is pursued; and, whether he is aware that it is a cause of dissatisfaction to engineer officers?

THE SECRETARY (Mr. FORWOOD) (Lancashire, Ormskirk)

(who replied): said: The lieutenant of the senior staff of the Excellent does give instruction to those qualifying for gunnery officers and to engineer officers in relation to the practical manipulation of the hydraulic; machinery as applied to gunnery. The theoretical and purely engineering instruction in regard to hydraulics is given by engineer officers to engineers. This procedure, adopted in 1886, was arranged in consultation with the Engineering Chief of the Admiralty. It has worked well; no dissatisfaction has been expressed, as far as the Admiralty are aware, nor do they think any reasonable grounds exist for such a feeling.