HC Deb 20 September 1886 vol 309 c962
SIR GEORGE CAMPBELL (Kirkcaldy, &c.)

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, If the Royal Commission, to inquire into the clerical establishments of the offices of State and into the administration, regulation, and system of control of those offices, will inquire whether some of the superior departmental officers exercising such control have accepted paid offices in connection with financial and other undertakings in addition to their offices under Government; and whether that practice is attended with any inconvenience or detriment to the Public Service, or in any way impairs the efficiency of the control which those officers are expected to exercise over the public offices; or, whether, on the other hand, the ability to fill other offices indicates an insufficiency of employment in the Government office?


In answer to the hon. Member, I have to state that the Royal Commission to inquire into the Civil Service establishments of the State will inquire into the administration, regulation, and organization of the various offices. If they find that any practice exists which impairs such administration, regulation, and organization, they will, doubtless, express their view upon it; but it is not desirable to enter into a minute detail of the subjects that will receive their attention.