HC Deb 16 September 1886 vol 309 c591
MR. PICKEESGILL (Bethnal Green, S.W.)

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether, having regard to the fact that the case of the Civil Service Writers has been under the consideration of the Treasury for thirteen months past, and that frequently during that period hopes have been encouraged that a final settlement would be immediately announced, he will make provisional arrangements whereby the Writers will not suffer by the further delay that must necessarily take place before the new Royal Commission on the Civil Service can make its Report; and, whether, in such arrangements, special regard will be had to the insecure position of men of long service, and the total absence, in their case, of any system of graduated payment?


(who replied) said: Yes, Sir, as soon as the Report of the Departmental Committee on the case of the Civil Service writers is received we shall forthwith take it into consideration; and we propose to give effect to our decision, so far as we can do so, without prejudice to general questions of principle, which must be reserved for the consideration of the Royal Commission.