HC Deb 24 May 1886 vol 305 c1824
MR. T. M. HEALY (Londonderry, S.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Is it the fact that, on 15th May, some Derry Catholics returning from Cookstown market were set upon without provocation and badly beaten by the Orangemen of Coagh, county Tyrone, and that a woman named Rooney was dangerously cut on the head; were the Orangemen, although fully identified, admitted to bail by Mr. Nagle, R.M., although one of them, Nesbitt, was proved to have fired several shots from a revolver, and although the police protested, and produced a doctor's certificate as to the dangerous condition of the wounded men and woman; and, can he state what is the practice as to bail in the South of Ireland, in similar cases?


A rather serious collision took place on the occasion mentioned in the Question between a party of Catholics and a party of Protestants, and some severe injuries were inflicted upon two persons, one of each party, who have since been certified to be in danger. As is usual in such cases, each party blames the other as the aggressors. The matter will be investigated at Petty Sessions to-morrow. Members of both parties were arrested by the police at the time, and were brought before Mr. Nagle, the Resident Magistrate, who, in the exercise of his discretion, took bail for the appearance of the accused on both sides.