HC Deb 30 March 1886 vol 304 c251
MR. J. F. HUTTON (Manchester, N.)

asked Mr. Chanecllor of the Exchequer, Whether he has received information that, on the 22nd instant, the Chamber of Commerce of Manchester at a special meeting at the Town Hall, passed the following Resolution:— Without committing the Chamber to any opinion on the question of Bimetallism, it is, in the opinion of this Chamber, desirable that a Royal Commission or Select Committee be appointed to inquire into the present relative position of gold and silver, and their use as money throughout the world; and, whether, considering the important and urgent interests involved in this question, he will endeavour to ascertain from the Chairman of the Royal Commission on the Depression of Trade when a Report will be presented on the currency question?


, in reply, said, this was a very difficult and complicated question, and, as he understood, would form one of the questions the Royal Commission would investigate. As they had only just begun to inquire into it, he did not think he could put any pressure on them to facilitate their work.