HC Deb 26 March 1886 vol 304 c19
MR. PRESTON BRUCE (Fifeshire, W.)

asked the Secretary for Scotland, Whether he has yet confirmed the bye-law recently passed by the Fishery Board for Scotland, with reference to beam-trawling in the Firth of Forth and certain other territorial waters; and, whether this bye-law will come into force upon the 5th of April next, as its terms show was intended by the Fishery Board?


Before confirming the bye-law recently passed by the Fishery Board for Scotland for closing certain in-shore waters against beam trawling, I have arranged to receive deputations from the General Steam Fishing Company, and representatives of the various Bodies who have memorialized the Fishery Board on the subject, together with the members of the Fishery Board itself, in order to give the opportunity of a full hearing of the arguments of all parties concerned. The bye-law will not come into force on the 5th of April unless it shall have been confirmed by the Secretary for Scotland.