HC Deb 25 March 1886 vol 303 c1798
MR. JOHN REDMOND (Wexford, N.)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he is in receipt of a Letter from the editors of The Labour Tribune, containing suggestions from practical working miners for the amendment of the Mines Regulation Act, and if such suggestions will receive attention; and, if, considering the present state of the Law as to Coroners' Courts, and the numerous Bills that have been introduced to regulate the proceedings of such Courts, the suggestions as to power being given to attend and examine witnesses might be acted upon, by such power being given in the event of the Mines Bill not being passed during the present Session?


Yes; I have received a letter from the editors of The Labour Tribune, and the suggestions contained in it are before a general meeting of Mines Inspectors which is now being held at the Home Office. The question of the attendance of witnesses at Coroners' Courts is a very important one, and will be dealt with in the Mines Bill, which is now being prepared by the Government. I do not see how power could be given to alter the procedure of Coroners' Courts, except by legislation. I could not undertake to bring in a special Bill for this purpose.