HC Deb 04 March 1886 vol 302 c1905

asked the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works, Whether any thing is being done by the Board towards laying out the seventy-three acres of ground which was granted last August by the Estates Governors of Dulwich College for a public park; and, whether the Board will endeavour to do everything in its power to hurry forward so desirable a public work, which would give employment to so many labourers?


In reply to the hon. Member, I beg to inform him that, although the Act of Parliament passed last Session vested in the Board about 72 acres of land to be appropriated as a public park, arrangements have to be made to acquire the interests of the tenants and occupiers of the land before possession can be taken. It has also been found necessary to apply to Parliament for powers to stop up certain public and private ways across the lands to be devoted to the park, in order to obtain authority to prevent the public going into the park during the late hours of the night. That is being done by the Board's Various Powers Bill of this Session. No unnecessary delay has taken place, or will take place, in carrying out the intentions of Parliament to provide a park.