HC Deb 03 June 1886 vol 306 c827

asked the President of the Board of Trade, with reference to Colonial Statistical Tables, Part XVII., Whether these Tables, which were presented to Members of this House on 28th May and relate to the years 1879, 1880, and 1881, can in future be produced at an earlier date; and, whether it is possible during the present Session of Parliament to publish similar Tables up to the end of the year 1885?

THE SECRETARY (Mr. C. T. D. ACLAND)(who replied) (Cornwall, Launceston)

said: The Eighteenth Part of the Statistical Table3 for the Colonies was unavoidably delayed in publication; but every endeavour will be made to expedite the issue of these Tables in future. It will, however, not be possible to publish them for the year 1885 during the present Session of Parliament, as the necessary Returns will not be received from the Colonies in time.