HC Deb 30 August 1886 vol 308 cc785-6
MR. BONSOR (Surrey, Wimbledon)

asked the Vice President of the Committee of Council, Whether it is true, as reported, that the Treasurer of Christ's Hospital, in giving evidence last month before Mr. Clutton in the General Post Office Compensation Case— Spoke to the necessity of having residence for the masters in the immediate neighbourhood (of St. Martin's le Grand). The Governors had discussed the question of removing the school, and decided not to remove it; and, if this report is correct, what effect will be given to the unanimous Report of the Royal Commissioners in 1877, that— For a thorough reform in the management and discipline of the school, we think that its removal from London is indispensable, and to the scheme of the Charity Commissioners, lately issued, which endorses such view, and, after examination of the funds, proposes that nearly if not quite double the number of children should be forthwith benefited?


I have no information as to the statement attributed to the Treasurer of Christ's Hospital; but the scheme of the Charity Commissioners, providing for the removal into the country of the existing school, as well as the establishment of other schools in London, has not been abandoned, and is now under the consideration of the Education Department.