HC Deb 02 April 1886 vol 304 c604
MR. BADEN-POWELL (Liverpool, Kirkdale)

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether, while dealing with the capitation grant to the Volunteer Land Forces, the Government intend also to consider the desirability of any increase in the capitation grant of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers; and, whether it is in contemplation to reorganize and enlarge this force, with a view to its assisting in the defence, by means of torpedoes as well as guns, of our large commercial ports and estuaries; and, if so, whether the Admiralty will call for Returns as to strength, efficiency, and cost of maintenance, of the existing batteries of Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, similar to those called for by the War Office from all regiments of the Volunteer Land Forces?


The capitation grant has only lately been established for the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, and as it is not known what effect it will produce it seems premature to consider its increase. An additional brigade has lately been added for the Clyde, and the question of reorganizing and further increasing the Force will be considered in connection with the defence of the commercial ports.