HC Deb 12 May 1885 vol 298 c353

asked the Postmaster General, Whether a complaint was lodged on 27th March with the Acting Secretary of the General Post Office, Dublin, that a letter addressed to a tenant named Gaffney was detained by the postmistress of Keadne, Carrick-on-Shannon, for a month and four days; whether any, and, if so, what, action has since been taken with reference to the complaint; and, whether note has been taken of the fact that the business of the Keadne Post Office is carried on in a public house?


in reply, said, he had made inquiries into the matter, and found that the letter was detained in consequence of an omission of part of the address, and also the large number of persons of that name in the district. He thought, however, that there was a much greater delay than there ought to have been, and that an effort should have been made to find out the owner of the letter.