HC Deb 30 March 1885 vol 296 c974

asked the Postmaster General, Whether he received a memorial from the sorters of the Holyhead and Kingstown mail packet in December last relative to the delay in remunerating them for the Sunday work done by them; what steps have been taken to carry out the provisions of the late Postmaster General with regard to the remuneration of those employés; and, why the scale of pay for extra Sunday work given to the sorters on the London and Holyhead line is not to extend to the sorters who do the remainder of that journey to Ireland?


The decision of the late Postmaster General was, that the sorters employed on board the Irish packets should not be specially remunerated for Sunday work, it being his opinion that, owing to the high trip allowance they receive, their present remuneration is ample. Against this decision they have appealed, and their appeal is under consideration; but I shall certainly not concede special remuneration for Sunday work without making some reduction in the trip allowance.