HC Deb 19 March 1885 vol 295 c1704

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, If it is the intention of the Government to introduce the promised Bill relating to the land question in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland before Easter; and, whether he will give facilities for the Second Reading of the Suspension of Evictions (Scotland) Bill since, under the present Law, tenant, may be dispossessed of their holdings in May, whether they are in arrears with their rent or not?


in reply, said, he was afraid he could give no other answer than that which was given some time ago—namely, that in the present state of Public Business, he feared there was no chance of introducing this Bill before Easter, and that exactly the same reason would prevent the Government from giving facilities for proceeding with any other measure.


asked, whether the right hon. Gentleman would give the House a few minutes at the end of Supply, in order to take the opinion of the House on this important question.

[No reply.]