HC Deb 24 April 1885 vol 297 c654

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether the Government intend to consider the claims and grievances of the Indian Military Officers, with a view to the removal of their discontent at the present slowness of promotion?


I am not aware that discontent prevails among the officers of Her Majesty's Indian Forces in respect of promotion. Recently, on the issue by the War Office of a Royal Warrant, giving promotion in the Corps of Royal Engineers to the rank of captain in 11, instead of as heretofore in 12, years, the change was introduced in the Indian Staff Corps, promotion in which is made on the same lines as in the Engineers. I do not know that any further change is now contemplated.


said, that if this matter were again brought before the House, he would ask the Under Secretary if it was not a fact that the promotion of officers was better and quicker now than it ever was in the days of the East India Company?