HC Deb 30 October 1884 vol 293 c516

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty, To be good enough to inform the House how many Ocean Armour-clad Cruisers are at present in commission, stating number, calibre, and description of guns, also coal endurance and speed of each ship; further, how many (if any) of this type are now being built, when they are likely to be finished, stating how they are likely to be armed, coal endurance and ocean-going (not measured mile smooth water) speed; also to state how many seagoing torpedo craft are in commission, how many are building, and whether any are sufficiently large and powerful for ocean fighting; and, further, to state if it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government to appoint a Royal Commission or Select Committee to inquire into the condition of the Navy?


The statement on the Navy, which, according to the undertaking given by the Prime Minister, will shortly be made on behalf of the Government, must embrace a more or less detailed reference to the numerous points raised in the Question of my hon. Friend; and I would ask him not to press for Returns in anticipation of the information which it will be the duty of the Admiralty to give to Parliament in a more convenient form.


What about the latter part of the Question?

[No reply.]