HC Deb 20 November 1884 vol 294 c61

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, What redress has been given to the Rev. Patrick Farrelly, Roman Catholic Administrator, Ballymacarrett, Belfast, in reference to outrages against the Catholics of that district, and as detailed in his communication dated 7th May 1884, the receipt of which was duly acknowledged by the then Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and the Inspector General of the Royal Irish Constabulary; is it a fact that, on Monday night the 10th of November instant, pistol shots were fired into the windows of the church of which the said Rev. Patrick Farrelly is pastor, and into the presbytery, whilst the congregation were assembled at the solemn ceremonies of Benediction; and, what provision has been made for the prevention of such occurrences?


I understand that the redress given to the Rev. Mr. Farrelly was full compensation for the damage done to the chapel windows, and the infliction of a fine of 20s. and costs on the boy who was convicted of the offence. It is not a fact that pistol shots were fired into the windows of the chapel on the night of the 10th of November; but it is the case that a few small panes of glass were broken or cracked by swan-shot, supposed to have been fired from a catapult. The Rev. Mr. Farrelly has claimed compensation for this injury, and his claim will be dealt with by the Town Council. Arrangements have since been made for placing extra men on duty in the neighbourhood of the chapel.