HC Deb 17 November 1884 vol 293 c1852

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, If he would take into consideration the low price of stock and produce in the West of Ireland, and also the peaceable state of the Country; and if Her Majesty's Government would mark their appreciation of these facts by remitting the present and future payments of Extra Police Taxes in Galway and South Mayo?


I am not perfectly certain whether the hon. and gallant Member intends in the latter part of his Question to refer to the remission of the payment or to the removal of the extra police in the districts he has named. Any question as to the removal or the diminution of the extra police in any particular district must depend upon the state of that district. During the last three years there has been a reduction in the number of the extra police of 205 in Galway and of 135 in Mayo; but the question as to the remission of the payment of the extra police taxes hardly comes within the discretion of Her Majesty's Government. I think that the subject is one that may shortly be brought under the consideration of Parliament in connection with another subject.