HC Deb 19 May 1884 vol 288 c667

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If he can announce that the vacant inspectorship in the Local Government Board will be filled by a gentleman of the same religion as the late inspector?


The Local Government Board have selected Dr. Wood-House, who has twice acted as temporary Inspector, for the Medical Inspectorship rendered vacant by the death of Dr. Roughan. It has, I understand, always been the practice of the Department to promote a temporary Inspector to the permanent office when he is eligible; and Dr. Woodhouse had performed his work in a very efficient manner. Dr. Roughan was a Catholic; Dr. Woodhouse is a Protestant. Of the three Medical Inspectors there will, I am informed, after Dr. Woodhouse's appointment, be two Catholics and one Protestant. This was the state of things up to the year 1876.


asked whether Dr. Woodhouse was appointed because he had supported the starvation policy?

[No reply.]