HC Deb 24 March 1884 vol 286 c612

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, If he is aware that the tenant farmers of Ireland complain strongly of having to pay rent to the landlords for the surface of the public roads which they are also heavily taxed to keep in repair; and, whether he will introduce a Clause in the Bill promised to amend the Purchase Clauses of the Land Act to remove this grievance?


, in reply, said, he was prepared to answer the Question for his right hon. Friend the Prime Minister. When a bulk rent was payable for a farm, there could be no difficulty, because both landlord and tenant had agreed upon what its amount should be Rents fixed by the Sub-Commissioners under the Land Act of 1881 were always bulk rents, and the amount of land occupied by public roads would be an clement to be considered in the fixing of these fair rents. Where an acreable rent was reserved in lettings made since 1870, roads were included in the acreage according to the provisions of the Act of 1870. If the hon. Member's Question referred to new roads, contracted after the fixing of a fair rent by the Court, it must be borne in mind that the tenant would be compensated by Grand Jury presentment for injury to his land. It was not proposed to make any change in the law on the subject.