HC Deb 24 March 1884 vol 286 c609

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether, in view of the infliction of the punishment of flogging under the provisions of the Egyptian Military Code upon persons subject to the provisions of the Army Discipline Act, he will give directions that for the future a punishment which has been recently abolished by Parliament shall not be inflicted by British officers upon persons subject as soldiers to the provisions of British Military Law?


Sir, I do not think it will be necessary to issue any such instructions as are referred to by the hon. Member, because the provisions of the 'Army Discipline Act are perfectly clear, and do not appear to require to be supplemented by any further instructions.


said, that, in consequence of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, he should move in Committee on the Army Annual Bill an Amendment to make it an offence against military law for any British officer to inflict, under the authority of any foreign Sovereign or Ruler, any punishment not sanctioned by the Army Discipline Act.