HC Deb 17 March 1884 vol 286 c25

asked Mr. Attorney General, Whether his attention has been called to a letter, in The Daily News of the 10th instant, signed "A High Church Rector;" whether, as that letter indicates, it is possible for a person, married, while properly domiciled in the Australian Colonies, to the sister of his former wife, under the sanction of Laws solemnly ratified by the Queen in Council, to freely set aside his contract of marriage on landing in this Country, desert his children, and marry again: and, whether a person so acting would, on his return to Australia, again become the lawful husband of the repudiated wife, or render himself liable to prosecution for bigamy in respect of the marriage contracted in England?


Sir, I think there has been some misunderstanding on the subject referred to in this Question. I understand the law to be that if persons who are domiciled in a Colony where marriage with a deceased wife's sister is valid in effect, such a marriage is valid and fully recognized in this country. with, however, the qualification that the children of such a marriage would not inherit real property by descent in this country.