HC Deb 17 July 1884 vol 290 c1420

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government to submit any proposals to the House for amending the Rules of Procedure, with the view of facilitating the progress of Public Business; and, if so, when?


said, that before the Prime Minister answered the Question, he would like to ask whether, in considering the proposals for facilitating the progress of Public Business, the Government would include among them the demand made almost universally for the abolition of the House of Lords?


I do not think that a grave question relating to the Constitution of the country can very easily be brought within the same category as that which is familiar to us under the name of "procedure." If that question comes forward at all, it must come forward in some other form than as a matter of procedure. In relation to the Question of my hon. Friend behind me, as far as I am concerned—and, I believe, as far as my Colleagues are concerned—we are of opinion, strongly of opinion, that it is a matter of importance and urgency that there should be further reforms in the procedure of this House; but there is no time available for this purpose at present, and I cannot say when there will be time.


asked whether these reforms would include the abolition of the clôture, which had never been used?

