HC Deb 15 July 1884 vol 290 c1111

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, If his attention has been called to statements in The Globe of the 10th, 11th, and 12th instant, made by its own correspondent at Tangiers, in which the details are given of fraudulent claims alleged to have been preferred by English subjects against Natives of Morocco, which claims appear to have led to the imprisonment of the alleged debtors under circumstances of great barbarity; and, whether Government will send out a Special Commission to inquire into the charges, especially the charge against an English public functionary, described as Mr. A., who it is asserted caused the imprisonment of a Native named E1 Arbi ben Abdulazeez on a false claim; and also the apparently dreadful state of the prisons in which the alleged debtors are confined?


Her Majesty's Government have no official information as regards the statements in question. They will, however, cause inquiries to be made with a view of ascertaining what truth there is in the charges alluded to.