HC Deb 25 February 1884 vol 284 c1847

asked the Vice President of the Council, Whether it is a fact that in Lochgoilhead Public School castor oil poured down the throat unmeasured from a bottle has habitually been administered to children as a punishment; whether any children at that school have been beaten on the bare solos of the feet as a punishment; whether five children of Mr. Duncan Blair were some months since withdrawn from the school on account of the severe punishments inflicted on one or more of them; and, whether Mr. Blair refuses to send them back on the ground that the teacher has told him that they will got the same sort of punishment when they go back; and whether in the interests of public education, he will order an investigation into the administration and discipline of the school?


Sir, the schoolmaster has admitted that castor oil has been in use in his school. The object, he says, has been to use it not as a punishment, but as a deterrent. I need only say that I regard its use on any pretext as wholly unwarrantable and reprehensible.


Not on any pretext?


The last statement is denied. But with respect to this and the threat to Mr. Duncan Blair's children, and the general conduct of the master of this school, he is an old parochial schoolmaster, and can only be dealt with by the Sheriff. I have directed inquiry to be instituted by the Inspector in the district.