HC Deb 18 February 1884 vol 284 c1199

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If he will state the reason why Police have been instructed to intrude themselves on meetings of the Kilrush (county Clare) Branch of the Irish National League; if he will state the special circumstances which have called for similar instructions to be addressed to the Police at Miltown Malbay in the same county; and, if he will state what general directions (if any) have been given to the Constabulary throughout Ireland with regard to attending such local indoor meetings of the National League?


I have already stated to this House the general nature of the instructions given to the police with regard to their attendance at National League meetings. In some parts of the country it was feared that some of these meetings might be for illegal objects; and it was on grounds of that kind that the instruction was given to the police at Miltown Malbay and Kilrush. They were directed not to force their way into the meetings, and they have not done so.