HC Deb 15 February 1884 vol 284 c1024

asked the honourable Member for the Isle of Wight, as one of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, Whether, considering the desirability of referring to a new municipal authority for the whole of London the question of creating a park for Paddington and North West London, he can assure the House that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners will not in the meantime, and pending the decision of this House on the establishment of such a new municipal authority, be parties to the leasing, for building purposes, of any lands forming part of the site of the proposed park?


I am afraid I cannot add anything to the full answer I gave last Session to a very similar Question of my hon. Friend. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, while anxious in every way in their power to assist the scheme for a public Park in Paddington, do not see their way to give such a pledge as is suggested. Apart from general considerations, there are questions of intricacy connected with leases and Private Acts of Parliament which make it more than doubtful whether they would be legally entitled to do so with reference to the site to which I apprehend my hon. Friend refers—they being, in reality, only part owners of the interests involved.