HC Deb 14 February 1884 vol 284 c860

asked the President of the Local Government Board, What application was made by the Southgate Local Board to the Local Government Board with reference to the purchase of a site, at Winchmore Hill, by the Metropolitan Asylums Board, for the purpose of the erection thereon of a Convalescent Fever and Small Pox Hospital; and, why no opportunity was afforded to the Southgate Board of being heard before the decision of the Local Government Board?


Sir, the Local Government Board received a communication from the Southgate Local Board on the 11th of January last, in which they stated that they were not aware to what extent the matter was under our control, but that they trusted that they might rely on such assistance as we could afford in averting the erection of the hospital at Winchmore Hill, which is within their district. The proposal of the managers of the Metropolitan Asylum District to purchase this site had not at that time been submitted to us. When the application of the managers was received, we, having given the subject our careful consideration, saw no sufficient reason for withholding our consent to the purchase by the managers of the site in question, and we informed the managers that we assented to the proposal. After this communication was made to the managers, we received a letter from the Local Board asking us to receive a deputation on the subject; but, having assented to the proposals of the managers, we did not consider that any advantage could result from receiving a deputation, as proposed. I may add that the proposal of the managers, which has been sanctioned by us, is to purchase the site for a hospital for convalescent fever patients, and not for convalescent fever and small-pox patients. The site comprises more than 36 acres.