HC Deb 25 April 1884 vol 287 c652

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether he could state the dates of the telegrams relating to Mr. Power leaving Khartoum which he referred to yesterday?


The telegrams to Mr. Power authorizing him to leave Khartoum and his reply are, as I stated yesterday, to be found in "Egypt," No. 5, 1884. They are dated January 2 and 4. The telegram from Lord Granville to Sir Evelyn Baring, authorizing him to thank Mr. Power for his courage and public spirit—those are the words of the telegram—is also in "Egypt," No. 5, under the date of January 24. I alluded to this subject, as I stated yesterday, in the debate on the Vote of Censure; but I made a fuller statement on March 15.