HC Deb 08 May 1883 vol 279 cc193-4

Standing Committee on Law and Courts of Justice and Legal Procedure, Mr. Heneage discharged, Mr. Dundas added.

PRIVATE BILL (by Order) — Third Reading— London and North Western Railway (Additional Powers), and passed.

PUBLIC BILLS—Resolution in Committee—National Debt *

OrderedFirst Reading — Local Government (Ireland) Provisional Order (No. 2) (Killar- ney)* [172]; Metropolis Improvement Provisional Order (Saint George-in-the-East) * [173]; Metropolis Improvement Provisional Order (No. 2) (Limehouse) * [174]; Metro, polis Improvement Provisional Order (No. 3) (Lambeth)* [1751; Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 4) (Cheltenham, &c.) * [176]; Local Government Provisional Orders (Poor Law) (No. 2) (Black-Torrington, &c.) * [177]; Board of Works (Ireland)* [178]* Charitable Trusts* [179]; Trust Funds (Scotland) * [1801.

Second Reading—Elementary Education Provisional Orders Confirmation (Cummersdale, &c.) *[163]; Pier and Harbour Provisional Order (No. 2) * [158],

Third Reading—Municipal Corporations (Un-reformed) [156], and passed.