HC Deb 19 March 1883 vol 277 c803

asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether the Government have received any confirmation of the report that the Maori Chiefs Te Whiti and Tohu, who were taken prisoners by a force of Volunteers, under the direction of the Native Minister in New Zealand, have been now set at liberty; whether any charge has ever been brought against them, or trial held; and, whether they are now to be allowed to return to their own homes?


I have been informed, Sir, by the Agent General of New Zealand that the two Chiefs named were taken back to Paritaka on the 9th of this month and set at liberty there. Their arrest had taken place during the absence of Sir Arthur Gordon. They were never tried, as by the West Coast Peace Preservation Act it was provided that they should not be tried; but the Governor in Council was authorized either to detain them or to release them if he thought fit. Papers detailing the circumstances will be laid on the Table.